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 Brunch with Death 

Death is still a taboo topic for most of our community and we think that needs to change, one conversation at a time! Brunch with Death is a regular facilitated discussion with a guiding theme, where you can enjoy rich conversations with likeminded members of the community over brunch and a cuppa. The more you talk about death - the less scary it becomes! Note: these sessions are only suitable for those over 18 years of age and may not be suitable for people who are recently bereaved.

Bunch with Death October 2024: The question is in the cards, but is your answer?

At this Octobers instalment of Brunch with Death we'll be playing cards! But not just any cards, we're looking at conversational card games to get you talking about death, dying and grief.


Featuring Australia's own "Carked It", "The Final Shuffle" along with "The Death Deck", its sister set "The EOL Deck" and a cameo from "Stupid Deaths". 


Ponder your final chapter while chatting with curious and likeminded members of the community in this event facilitated by End of Life Doula, Estella Hutchinson.

Saturday 26th October 2024 - EQ Bakehouse & Cafe Deakin

"When people talk about death and dying, it tends to illustrate their humanity"
- John Underwood

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